Laurel Hall Preschool is a private Christian early childhood center that has a strong program of learning and play for children aged 2 to 5 that prepares them for success in kindergarten and the early elementary school years. Beautiful and safe outdoor yards provide opportunities for physical activities, and a weekly chapel with our director of music who delivers music and stories and addresses values such as kindness, sharing, and God’s love. 

Administrators, teachers, families, and Emmanuel Lutheran Church collaborate as a community to ensure that every child’s learning, social-emotional, physical, and spiritual needs are met. Small group sizes assure attention to each child’s learning and progress. 

Our preschool students master the skills and concepts necessary for success in kindergarten or transitional kindergarten. They are curious and enjoy learning, and they demonstrate Christian values such as kindness, sharing and helping.

Welcoming all people, Emmanuel Lutheran Church and schools love, teach, and serve through Christ.

Laurel Hall Preschool welcomes all children to apply. We welcome and respect families of all cultural and religious backgrounds. In our safe and loving environment children play, learn, and socialize through both free play and teacher guided activities. CLick below to learn more about applying to Laurel Hall Preschool

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